Travel-World Photography
Bangkok has a number of Buddist temples and shrines, all pretty much in the Thai style with eloborate decorations. The following is a selection from a tour through the Oldtown.
Other Temples
A huge Buddah
The feet of the Buddah itself
And a monk at his feet
Somebody placed flowers on thhe feet of the monk
The tower is clad with gold plated tiles
This give a sense of the size
An adjacent building
Yet another decorated gable
Soldiers standing guard in front of the entrance
Another golden tower
Intricate roof
Incredibly decorated facade
Iposing portico
Window frame on a tiled wall
Ceramic tiles I
Ceramic tiles II
Ceramic tiles III
A look-a-like to Angkor Wat
Bell tower
So many buildings - it is somewhat bewildering
How intricate is it possible to build it?
Warriers standing guard
A woman emulated their stand
At the foot of the Golden Mount, a landmark in Bangkok
Prayer bells
Totally overwhelming details
Roof detail
A phantasy figure guarding the steps. Note trhe snakes on the steps
Another decorated gable. They are all different
Grandfather Buddah, father Buddah, son Buddah?
A monk statue
Manicured trees
The palace guard walk out
Old English style uniform, with modern weapons
We got a careful smile!
A soldier from older times
Soldier II
Soldier III
Soldiers IV
Bonsai-style trees
Flower decorations outside
Flowers I
Flowers II
Floating flowers
Floating flower