Nazca Lines

We travelled by bus from Lima to ICA, where we stayed in a nice hotel in Huacachina, next to huge sand dunes. From there we were taken to a small airfield for a flight over the famous Nazca Lines. The  Lines are a group of geoglyphs made in the soil of the Nazca Desert in southern Peru. They were created between 500 BC and 500 AD by people making depressions or shallow incisions in the desert floor, removing pebbles and leaving differently colored dirt exposed. Nobody know the purpose of the lines, but the speculation has been plenty, including a landing strip for UFOs. The Nazca Lines can only be properly viewed from an airplane.

The coast of Peru is very dry, and around Huacachina there is an actual a desert, with large sandunes. due to the very dry climate, the lines are preserved amazingly well.